When I think of Passion, Love and Beauty in a Woman? I think of Salma Hayek. What a Stunning Woman! Exotic and Feisty. Smart and Witty. Half Mexican and Half Lebanese. I love everything about Salma. The Sound of her Voice is Intriguing. She is everything Womanly, Strong and Sexy.
But what is most Interesting about Salma is that she has Created an Amazing Career and has managed to stay Successful and Focused on what is Important. As an Immigrant, Moved to LA from Mexico in 1991 to Study Acting. She has Struggled to be taken Seriously. With Persistence, has appeared in over 30 films and has been a Spokes Person for Avon since 2004. Is Executive Producer of the very successful Ugly Betty. Has been a huge Supporter for UNICEF, Pampers, and Violence Against Woman Act . This is a Woman who uses her Status to Contribute in helping Woman and Children. All Respect to you Salma!